
Entering a Work Order - Items Card

The 'Items' card lists the Items on the Work Order. These are the Items that are to be repaired, and are determined by the operator when generating the Work Order from the Service Order. They are shown in a grid that is divided into three horizontal flips. When you click on a flip tab (marked A-C), the two or three right-hand columns are replaced.

Many of the fields in the grid have their values determined in the Service Order from which the Work Order was created. These fields have the same role as in the Service Order register: please refer to the description of that register for full details. Except as described below, these fields should not be changed.

Flip A

Item Type
Paste Special    Choices of possible entries
The Item Type signifies whether the work to be carried out is chargeable, under warranty or under contract, or is not chargeable for reasons of goodwill. It is determined by the Item Type of the parent row in the Service Order but can be changed if necessary. Work Sheets and Work Sheet Transactions arising from the Work Order will be affected by such a change, which might be appropriate if proof of warranty is produced after the Service Order and Work Order have been entered, or if a warranty claim turns out to be spurious.

Use the Item Type '-' when it has not been established whether the repair is chargeable.

Planned Time
You can use this field to record an estimate of the length of time needed to repair this Work Order Item, or to schedule the repair.
Record here the latest time by which the repair should be completed. The default is taken from the Planned Delivery field on the Service Orders screen. The Deadline is shown in the 'Work Orders: Browse' window to aid the prioritisation of jobs.

Planned Time
This field can be used to record an estimate of the length of time needed to complete the entire Work Order. A separate Planned Time field is available on flip A that can be used to divide this overall time amongst the separate Work Order Items.