
Entering a Contract Quotation - Partners Card

Paste Special    Suppliers in Customer register
If this Quotation is for a Contract that will be subcontracted, you can record the name of the subcontractor company here. When you press Return, the Supplier's name and contact will be entered into the appropriate fields.

Paste Special    Contact Persons setting, Sales Ledger
Record here your contact at the Supplier company. The 'Paste Special' function only lists Contact Persons for the Supplier in question.

Partner Name
The Supplier Name is entered after you have entered the Supplier Number.

Make Contact
Paste Special    Choose date
As a reminder, enter the date on which the Customer is next to be contacted regarding this Quotation.

Paste Special    Contact Persons setting, Sales Ledger
Default taken from    Customer
Record here the person for whose attention the Quotation is to be marked. The 'Paste Special' function only lists Contact Persons for the Customer in question.

Referring To
This field can be used to record reminder notes for the next call. Further notes can be recorded on the 'Comments' card.