
Entering a Contract Quotation - Date Card

Paste Special    Choose date
The date of the Quotation: the current date according to the computer's clock is used as a default.

Valid Until
Paste Special    Choose date
The last date of validity of this Quotation. This can be shown on any documentation relating to the Quotation.

Period, Length
These options are used to specify the period to be covered in a single Invoice, should the Quotation be converted to a Contract. This period can be a certain number of days or months: select the appropriate option and enter the number in the Length field. For example, choosing Days and a Length of 30 will result in Invoices being raised every 30 days, while choosing Months and a Length of 6 gives a single Invoice every 6 months.

The length of the proposed Contract (i.e. the number of Invoice periods) can be entered here. Note that this is to be shown on documentation only: it will not be used to calculate the End Date of the Contract.

Our Ref
Use this field if you need to identify the Quotation by means other than the Quotation Number. A default will be taken from the Our Ref field on the 'Ser Nos' card of the Person record of the current user.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
Default taken from    Customer
The Salesman responsible for the Quotation should be registered here.