
The Width of the Report

Use the Width field on the 'Settings' card to set the width of the report window that will be used when the report is printed to screen. The figure is in pixels, and the default is 600. The width of the grey bars marking each section on the 'Layout' card will change to reflect the figure you enter here.

When the report is printed to paper, it will be scaled so that it fits the width of the paper. All objects will be stretched or shrunk proportionally. If they are shrunk, this may mean the text they contain will be printed on two or more lines. If you are designing the report with its printed output in mind, not its screen output, you will want the 'Layout' card to reflect the printed output as closely as possible. In this case, set the Width to a figure around 418 pixels. This closely approximates the width of an A4 page and means there will be no need for the report to be scaled when printing.