
Classification Terms

This page describes the Classification Terms setting in the Hotel module.


A Classification Term allows you to discount or increase Room rates depending on the Contact Classifications of the Guests. For example, you can use Classification Terms to offer discounts for children or repeat customers.

In each Classification Term record, specify a Code and a Comment and use the matrix to list the discounts or uplifts that are to be applied to Room rates depending on Classification as follows:
Paste Special    Contact Classifications setting, CRM module
Specify the Classification that will qualify for the discount or uplift.

Paste Special    Choices of possible entries
Use 'Paste Special' to specify whether the row represents a discount or a markup.

Specify here the value of the discount or markup. You can enter a fixed amount or a percentage. Percentages must be followed by the % sign as in the illustration.
After entering your Classification Term records, specify when they will be used as follows:
  1. In the Hotel Settings setting, use the Classification Terms field on the 'Terms' card to specify the Classification Term that will be used by default in the pricing calculations in Reservations.

  2. You can specify that different Classification Terms will be used with a particular Invoice Item, using the Classification Terms field in the Invoice Item record.

The "STD" Classification Term illustrated at the top of this page offers a 10% discount for repeat customers and a 50% discount for children.

When we enter a Reservation, we will usually begin by specifying the dates, the Room Type, the Room Package and the Numbers of adults and children. In this example the standard Room rate (the Base Price in the Item DBLPP that is quoted in the Invoice Item record) is 10.00 per person so at this point the rate for the Room will be 20.00:

On the 'Guest' card, we will now enter the adult Guest who is a repeat customer (this is indicated by the Classification "RPT", which is a Classification belonging to the Class. Type (Adult) specified in the Hotel Settings setting):

The pricing is now 19.00 (10.00 - 10% for the adult and 10.00 for the child):

The Rack Rate continues to show the standard rate for the Room, 20.00.

On the 'Guest' card, we will enter the child Guest (this is indicated by the Classification "CHILD", which is a Classification belonging to the Class. Type (Child) specified in the Hotel Settings setting):

The pricing is now 14.00 (10.00 - 10% for the adult and 10.00 - 50% for the child):

If you need to see how the pricing is calculated, save the Reservation and then press the [Price Details] or [Price Details Report] buttons. The [Price Details] button will open a 'Reservation Prices' window showing the price calculations, while the [Price Details Report] button will print a report to screen:

The 'Reservation Prices' window displays the record for the Reservation in the Reservation Prices setting. You can also open this window from that setting.


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