
Item Settings

This setting, available in the Contact module, allows you to set various defaults to be used when working with Items.

Use the [Module] button in the Master Control panel to ensure you are in the Contact module and then click the [Settings] button, also in the Master Control panel. Double-click 'Item Settings' in the resulting list. The 'Item Settings: Inspect' window opens:

Default Item Group
Paste Special    Item Groups setting, Contact module
If you enter an Item Group here, it will be used as a default when you create new Items.

Barcode Length
If you need to ensure that the Barcode of each Item contains at least a certain number of characters, enter this number here. Any Barcodes with fewer than this number of characters will be given the appropriate number of leading zeroes. For example, if your Barcode Length is five, a Barcode of "4256" will be converted to "04256". No warning will be issued for Barcodes containing more than the specified number of characters.

Unique Barcode
If the Barcode field of each Item is required to hold a unique value, switch this option on.

Do not allow Base Price change
Check this box if you want to prevent changes being made to the Base Price of each Item.

Demand Item Group
Use this option if you want every Item to be assigned to an Item Group.
When the setting is complete, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save changes and close the window. To close the window without saving changes, click the close box.


Settings concerned with Items:

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