
Contract List

This report is a simple list of the Contracts entered in the system. The list is sorted by Contract Number. For each Contract, the Contract Number, Customer Number and Name, Start and End Dates and last Invoice Date are shown.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter a Contract Number or a range of Numbers to show particular Contracts, or leave blank to include all Contracts.

Paste Special    Customers in Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Customer Number to limit the selection to the Contracts signed by one Customer.

With Item
Paste Special    Item register
Enter an Item Code to show all Contracts that contain this Item.

Paste Special    Contract Classes setting, Contracts module
Enter a Contract Class to show all Contracts of that Class.

Paste Special    Suppliers in Customer register
Enter a Supplier Number to list Contracts with a particular Partner (subcontractor).

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This option gives one line of the report per Contract, showing Contract Number, Customer Number and Name and the Start, End and Last Invoice Dates.

This alternative shows the Customer's address, every Item on the Contract (with quantities, prices and VAT Codes) and any Objects.
Show Base Currency 2 Totals
By default, the report contains figures in the home Currency (Base Currency 1) for the total value of the Contracts listed, including and excluding VAT. Check this box if you would like these figures to be expressed in Base Currency 2 as well.

Only Not OKed
Check this box if you would like the report only to list those Contracts that have not been approved.