
Recipe Cost Calculation

This report is a list of Recipes that compares the total cost of assembly with the sales price of the output Item. The cost of assembly is the I-Cost plus the W-Cost. The I-Cost can be taken from the Recipe or from the Item records of the components ('Costs' card). The sales price of the output Item is taken from the 'Pricing' card of the relevant Item record.

Paste Special     Recipe register, Production module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Specify the Recipes to be listed by entering a Recipe Number, or range of Recipe Numbers.

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This option is a simple list showing Recipe Number and Name, total cost and sales price.

This option lists the components of each Recipe together with individual costs and quantities. Components that are assemblies themselves are not listed, but are broken down so that the bottom-level components are shown.

Detailed, show Level
This option is very similar to the Detailed option, with the exception that the component level is also shown. Since components that are assemblies themselves are not listed, but are broken down so that the bottom-level components are shown, this will be a useful indication of the number of levels of sub-assembly that go towards producing the final Item. The final Item is on level 0, the components of that Item are on level 1, the components of those Items are on level 2 etc.
Take Cost From
Use these options to choose whether the cost prices of the components are to be taken from the Recipes or from the 'Costs' cards of the relevant Item records.