
Production Journal

This report lists registered Production records.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter a Production Number (or range of Production Numbers) of the records to be shown in the report.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period.

These options control the level of detail shown in the report.
On a single line per Production record, this option shows Number, Date, Recipe, Quantity produced, Comment and whether it has been marked as Finished.

This option shows the details of each Production record, listing the components individually with Serial Numbers and costs.
Cost from Item Record
Usually, the Detailed version of this reports takes the costs of the components from the Production records. If you would like the costs to be taken from the relevant Item records, check this box.

Check the boxes to include Production records of different types in the report. At least one option must be checked, otherwise a blank report will result.