
Production Deficiency

This report is similar to the Produceability List, but it also contains suggestions of what should be ordered to build a specified number of assembled Items. The minimum stock level (from the 'Stock' card of the Item record) is taken into account in making this calculation. The number of components already on approved unfulfilled Purchase Orders is shown for comparison purposes.

Item No.
Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter the Item Number of an assembled Item to view its production requirements. If a range of Item Numbers is entered, only those Items in the range with Recipes will be shown.

Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
Enter an Item Group to report on all Items in the Group which have Recipes.

Paste Special    Locations setting, Stock module
The report takes the number of components in stock into consideration when offering purchasing suggestions. If you wish to restrict this process to stock from a particular Location, specify that here.

In calculating purchasing suggestions, the report compares the stock of each component with the quantity required to satisfy unfulfilled Sales Orders. If you would like an additional quantity of assembled Items to be taken into account (perhaps to anticipate future demand), enter that additional quantity here. The number of components required to satisfy this quantity will be shown in a separate column in the report.

For assembled Items which use components which themselves are assemblies (i.e. sub-assemblies), you can either show the stock levels of the sub-assemblies or show those of the most basic level components. To use the latter alternative, use the Multiple Levels of Production option.