
Transaction Summary

This report is very similar to the Transaction Journal. Like that report, it lists each Transaction in the report period, showing the Accounts debited and credited, together with the amounts.

Unlike the Transaction Journal, this report does not show the usual Transaction Numbers. Instead, each Transaction is given a sequential number in a single number series, irrespective of their nature.

As well as listing the Transactions in the report period, up to four summary sections can be printed at the end of the report. These show the debit and credit totals for each Account used in Transactions resulting from Invoices, Receipts, Purchase Invoices and/or Payments in the report period.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the period to be covered by the report.

Start of Legal Nos
This report does not show Transaction Numbers, as stored in the Transaction register. Instead, the Transactions are renumbered to follow a single number series, irrespective of their nature. Enter the first number in the series here. If no number is entered, the sequence will start at 1.

Sum Transactions for
Up to four summary sections can be printed at the end of the report, showing debit and credit totals for each Account used in Transactions resulting from Invoices, Receipts, Purchase Invoices and/or Payments in the report period. Use these options to choose which summary sections are to be printed.

Three sort options are offered:
The Transactions are listed in Transaction Number order, as stored in the Transaction register. If included in the report, the four summary sections are printed at the end.

Trans. Date
The Transactions are listed in Transaction Date order. If included in the report, the four summary sections are printed at the end.

Monthly Sumup
The Transactions are listed in Transaction Date order. Instead of printing the four summary sections at the end of the report, this option provides those summaries per month and prints them in the appropriate places in the list.
Don't print Transaction Prefix
When listed in the 'Transactions: Browse' window, Transaction Numbers are shown together with prefixes that indicate the type of the transaction. Transactions entered directly to the Nominal Ledger, for example, are shown as "2002.3" while those created from a Sub System are shown as, for example, "S/INV.020003".

Although this report does not print Transaction Numbers, their prefixes are printed as an indication of the type of Transaction. If you do not want these prefixes to be shown in the report, check this box.