
Proforma Invoices

You will usually print a Proforma Invoice when you or your Customer need a document confirming the goods that will be sold, including quantities and prices, and when the Customer needs a document in order to process an advance payment.

A Proforma Invoice differs from a normal Invoice in that it is not a legal Invoice. For this reason, you should design a separate Form Template that clearly displays the Proforma status for use when printing Proformas.

When, as will often be the case, you print a Proforma from an Invoice that you have not yet marked as OK, it will be printed without the "Test Printout" watermark, irrespective of whether you are using the No Test Printout option in the Optional Features setting in the System module.

You can also print an individual Proforma when an Invoice is open on screen, using the 'Print Proforma Invoice' function on the Operations menu.

Enter an Invoice Number or range of Invoice Numbers separated by a colon and then click the [Run] button in the Button Bar. Proforma Invoices are printed for all Invoices in the selection. They can be marked as OK or not, and they can be Invoices of any type (Invoices, Cash Notes, Credit Notes, Interest Invoices or Project Invoices).

When you design the Form Template to be used by the Proforma Invoice form, you can use the same fields that you can use in the Form Template that will be used by the Invoice form. Please refer here for a list of the header fields and here, for the row fields.


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