
P/L VAT Code Statistics

This report contains information about VAT paid to each Supplier. The report is designed for use in countries where detailed VAT reporting is necessary.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates of the period covered by the report. for the report. If left blank, the title "P/L VAT Code Statistics" is used.

Invoice No
Range Reporting    Numeric
If necessary, enter here the internal Purchase Invoice Number of the Purchase Invoice (or range of Purchase Invoices) you wish to include in the report.

Paste Special    Supplier Categories setting, Purchase Ledger
To restrict the report to Suppliers of a single Category, enter a Category Code here.

All VAT Codes
By default, the report shows for each Purchase Invoice the VAT Codes used together with the VAT percentage and totals including and excluding VAT. If you would like to show for each Purchase Invoice all VAT Codes, including those not used by the Invoice, switch this option on.

Invoice Type
Determine here whether Normal and Credit Notes are to be included in the report. Cash Notes are included as Normal Invoices for this purpose.