
Ordered Items

This report provides a simple list of Stocked Items for which you have received Orders which are as yet undelivered. Quantities not yet delivered, Cost Amounts (Cost Price multiplied by undelivered Quantity) and unfulfilled sales values are shown.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end date of the reporting period.

Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to Orders for a single Item or range of Items. Only the Stocked Items in the range will be included in the report.

Item Group
Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
Use this field to limit the report to Orders for Stocked Items of a single Item Group.

Order Class
Paste Special    Order Classes setting, Sales Orders module
Enter an Order Class code to limit the report to Orders of a single Class.

Planned Delivery
Paste Special    Current Date
If you wish to report on Order Items that are to be delivered on a specific date (based on the Planned Del. field on flip E of each Order row), enter that date here. In the case of rows with no Planned Delivery Date, that specified on the 'Date' card will be used.

Cost Price
Choose here whether you would like the Cost Amounts shown in the report to be based on the Cost Price in each Order or on the latest Cost Price for the Item.

Currency Rate
The sales values shown in the report are in the home Currency. In the case of Orders in a foreign Currency, choose here whether you would like these figures to be calculated using the Exchange Rate in each Order or using the latest Exchange Rate for the Currency.

These radio buttons control the sort order of the report. The default is to print the report in Item Group order. You can also choose to print in Item Number or Description order, but if you do the Group Totals Only option (below) should be switched off.

Group totals only
Switch this option off if you would like to display all Items waiting to be delivered, with Quantities and Purchase Values. Otherwise, only aggregate totals for each Item Group will be shown.