
Supplier/Item Statistics

The Supplier/Item Statistics report analyses in a Supplier-by-Supplier format the purchases in both quantity and turnover terms of Items from Suppliers. Where appropriate, Serial Numbers are shown. The information is taken from the Goods Receipt register in the Stock module.

Paste Special    Supplier register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to Items purchased from a single Supplier, or range of Suppliers.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Use this field to limit the report to Goods Receipts entered in a certain period.

Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to specific Items purchased in the specified period.

Item Groups
Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to restrict the report to Items of a particular Item Group or range of Groups.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
If a Person's initials are entered here, only those Items with a Default Purchase Item belonging to that Person will be listed in the report.

Sales Group
Paste Special    Sales Groups setting, System module
If a Sales Group is entered here, only those Items with a Default Purchase Item belonging to that Sales Group will be listed in the report.

Include Item Name
Check this box to include Item Names in the report.

Show Quantity 2
Use this option to express stock quantities using two different units of measurement. This is only appropriate for Items that have a Unit 2 and a Unit Coefficient specified on the 'Stock' card.

Specify here whether approved and/or unapproved Goods Receipts are to be included in the report.