Introduction to the Work Sheet Transaction Register

The Work Sheet Transaction register keeps a record of the labour and parts that you used or supplied when working on Service Orders. Work Sheet Transactions will be created when you mark as OK and save the following records:
You can change some of the fields in a Work Sheet Transaction record, but you cannot delete Work Sheet Transaction records, or add them directly to the Work Sheet Transaction register.

When you need to create an Invoice from a Service Order, you will highlight the Service Order in the 'Service Orders: Browse' window or open it in a record window and then select 'Invoice' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android). This function will search for uninvoiced Work Sheet Transactions applicable to the selected Service Order and use them to construct the Invoice.

When a Work Sheet Transaction is used in an Invoice, the Invoice Number will be copied back to the Work Sheet Transaction, to ensure it won't be included in future Invoices. If you credit an Invoice created from a Work Sheet Transaction, it might be that you will need to raise a new Invoice at a later time. If you need a Work Sheet Transaction that was included in the credited Invoice to be invoiced again, remove the Invoice Number from the Work Sheet Transaction record. Be very careful when doing so, since it is possible to duplicate Invoices!

Work Sheet Transactions will always be created from Work Sheets and Activities with the appropriate Activity Types, even for work carried out under warranty or contract. This allows detailed analysis on such work to be included in reports. The 'Create Invoice' function will not use these Work Sheet Transactions when creating Invoices, so their purpose is solely to record a cost that was incurred or an Item that was supplied.


The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:


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Viewing a Work Sheet Transaction

Work Sheet Transactions keep a record of the labour and parts that you used or supplied when working on Service Orders, and provide the information that is used to construct Service Order Invoices. To open the Work Sheet Transaction register, ensure you are in the Service Orders module and click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre. Then, double-click or tap 'Work Sheet Transactions' in the resulting list. The 'Work Sheet Transactions: Browse' window opens, showing Work Sheet Transactions already entered.

To open a Work Sheet Transaction record, double-click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on a row in the list. Usually there will be no need to edit a Work Sheet Transaction as it will have been created with all the information necessary to be invoiced, but you can change some of the details before invoicing (e.g. you can change the Price if you need to charge some work at a special rate). Remember that you cannot enter new records directly to the Work Sheet Transaction register: they must be generated from Work Sheets and Activities.

Please refer to the following pages for details about the fields on each card:

The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Viewing a Work Sheet Transaction - Header

This page describes the fields in the Header in the Work Sheet Transaction record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:


The Customer Number (from the originating Work Sheet or Activity). This field cannot be changed.

The Item Number of an Item representing the type of labour or spare part that was supplied, taken from the originating Work Sheet row or Activity. This field will be filled automatically and cannot be changed.

The Employee's Signature from the originating Work Sheet or Activity. This field cannot be changed.

The Date of the originating Work Sheet or the Start Date of the originating Activity. This field cannot be changed.

Any text in the Description field in the originating Work Sheet row will be entered here. Usually this will be the Item Name. If the originating record is an Activity, the contents of the Text field in the header of the Activity will appear here.

Ser No.
The serial number of the originating Work Sheet or Activity. This field cannot be changed.

When you raise an Invoice is raised from a Work Sheet Transaction, the Invoice Number will be copied here. This will prevent the Work Sheet Transaction from being invoiced again and will also prevent you from changing the quantities and prices below.

If you remove this number, you will be able to raise another Invoice. You will need to do this if you have raised a Credit Note against a Service Order Invoice and you want to create another Invoice for the relevant Work Sheet Transactions.

Serv. Order No.
The serial number of the parent Service Order. This field cannot be changed.

Work Order No.
The serial number of the Work Order from which the originating Work Sheet was created. This field cannot be changed.

Contract No.
If the Item being repaired was under Contract, the Contract Number will appear here, taken from the relevant row in the originating Service Order.

The Type is determined by the Item Type in the Work Sheet row from which the Work Sheet Transaction was created. If the Item Type in the Work Sheet row is "-", this Type will be taken from the relevant row in the Work Order or Service Order from which the Work Sheet originated.

An Invoice will only be raised from a Work Sheet Transaction if the Type is set to Invoiceable.

This set of options shows whether a Work Sheet Transaction was created from a Work Sheet or Activity.

Item Type
The Item Type of the Item, taken from the 'Pricing' card of the Item record, is shown here for reference only.

The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Viewing a Work Sheet Transaction - Card 1

This page describes the fields on card 1 in the Work Sheet Transaction record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:


Reg. Qty
The number of hours worked or the number of Items supplied, taken from the Quantity field in the Work Sheet row or from the Cost (Time) in the Activity (converted to a decimal figure). This field cannot be changed.

Inv. Qty
The quantity to be invoiced. By default, this will be the same as the Registered Quantity. You can change the Inv. Qty as required. When you create an Invoice from the Work Sheet Transaction, as well as specifying the Qty in the resulting Invoice row, the Inv. Qty will be added to the Invoiced fields on flip B of the Work Sheet row and flip B of the parent Service Order row.

The unit price in Currency of the spare part or labour to be charged to the Customer before any discount or markup.

If the Work Sheet Transaction was generated from a Work Sheet, this will be taken from Unit Price field in the appropriate Work Sheet row.

If the Work Sheet Transaction was generated from an Activity, the Unit Price of the Item according to the valid Price List for the Customer will be used. If the Customer has no Price List specified, or the Item is not on the Price List in question, the Base Price from the Item record will be used.

You can change the Price in an individual Work Sheet Transaction.

Disc %
If the Work Sheet Transaction was generated from a Work Sheet, a discount percentage will be brought in from the appropriate Work Sheet row. If it was generated from an Activity, a discount percentage will be calculated if you have allocated a Discount Matrix that includes the Item to the Customer.

You can also enter a percentage figure yourself or a negative percentage to effect a price uplift.

The discount will be applied to the unit price, before it is multiplied by the invoiceable quantity.

Enter an amount in Currency to be added to the total price, or enter a percentage in the form "10%" to calculate a 10% markup. You can enter a negative figure to effect a discount.

The Markup will be applied after the unit price has been multiplied by the invoiceable quantity.

The amount to be invoiced, in Currency and taking any Discount and Markup into account.

The unit cost of the spare part or labour, which will be used to calculate the gross profit (below).

If the Item is a Stocked Item, the Cost Price will be the unit FIFO value from the relevant Work Sheet row (flip D).

If the Item is a Service Item, it will be the hourly cost of the Employee, taken from the Cost per Hour field on the 'Job Costing' card of their Person record. If this is blank, it will be the Cost Price of the Item plus its Extra Cost, from the 'Costs' card of the relevant Item record.

If the Item is a Plain or Structured Item, it will be the Cost Price of the Item plus its Extra Cost.

This figure will be in your home Currency (or in Base Currency 1 as defined in the Base Currency setting in the System module).

The gross profit of the Work Sheet Transaction.

The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Viewing a Work Sheet Transaction - Card 2

This page describes card 2 in the Work Sheet Transaction record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:


Card 2 shows the Currency and exchange rates that were used to calculate the Price and Sum on card 1. They will be copied from the originating Work Sheet and should not be changed.


The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Creating Work Sheet Transactions

Please refer to the following pages for details about creating Work Sheet Transactions from various registers:

The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Creating Work Sheet Transactions - from Work Sheets

Work Sheet Transactions will be created when you mark Work Sheets as OK and save. This process is described on the Creating Work Sheet Transactions (CheckingWork Sheets and Marking as OK) page.


The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Creating Work Sheet Transactions - from Activities

A Work Sheet Transaction can be created when you mark an Activity Done and save it. For this to happen, the Activity must be assigned an Activity Type that belongs to an Activity Class in which you have selected the Create Work Sheet Transaction option. After you have defined the appropriate Activity Types and Activity Classes, it becomes easy for users to register their own time using the Calendar or Task Manager. You may also find it useful to specify an Item (which must be a Service Item) in each Activity Type and to select the Force Entry of Service Order and Force Entry of Invoice Item options in the Activity Classes. The Item should represent the type of labour. Note however that Activities cannot remove Items from stock and therefore you cannot use them to record the use of spare parts. You must do this using Work Sheets.

Enter the Activity in the usual fashion (e.g. from your Calendar or Task Manager or by opening the Service Order or Work Order in a record window and selecting 'Workflow Activity' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android)).

Specify an appropriate Activity Type (i.e. one that will cause Work Sheet Transactions to be created as mentioned in the first paragraph).

On the 'Time' card, enter the time spent working on the task directly to the Cost (Time) field, or enter Start and End Times to have the Cost (Time) calculated automatically. You can choose any Task Type except Project, but the Calendar Type must be Time.

After you have chosen an Activity Type and entered a Cost (Time), change to the 'Service' card to specify the Service Order, the Item Number and Serial Number of the Item being repaired (in the Item and Serial No. fields respectively) and to enter an Item representing the type of work carried out (in the Invoice Item field). This must be a Service Item, and a default Invoice Item will be brought in if you specified one in the Activity Type. If you selected the Force Entry of Service Order and Force Entry of Invoice Item options in the Activity Class to which the Activity Type belongs, you will not be able to save the Activity if the Service Order and Invoice Item fields are empty.

When you mark the Activity as Done and save it, a Work Sheet Transaction will be created. You can then view the new record in the Work Sheet Transaction register:

The Registered and Invoice Quantities will be taken from the Cost (Time) field of the Activity (converted to decimal figures). The Unit Price according to the valid Price List for the Customer will be used. If the Customer has no Price List specified, or the Item is not on the Price List in question, the Unit Price will be the Base Price from the Item record. The Cost will be taken from the Cost per Hour field on the 'Job Costing' card of the Person record for the Employee. If this is blank, it will be the Cost Price of the Item plus its Extra Cost. A discount percentage will be calculated if you have allocated a Discount Matrix that includes the Item to the Customer.


The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Creating Work Sheet Transactions - from Returned Goods Records

If the Customer returns a Stocked Item that has been supplied as part of a Service Order, you can deal with this by creating a Returned Goods record from the Work Sheet. The Service Order and Work Sheet Numbers will be copied to the new Returned Goods record, which will mean that Work Sheet Transactions will be created when you mark the Returned Goods record as OK and save (one Work Sheet Transaction for each row in the Returned Goods record). The quantity in these Work Sheet Transactions will be negative. These negative quantities will be transferred to the Invoice, so to be able to mark the Invoice as OK you will need to be using the Allow Negative Quantities on Invoices option in the Optional Features setting in the System module. The Cost Price in the Project Transaction will be the same as the Unit Price in the Returned Goods record.


The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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Creating Invoices

When you need to create an Invoice from a Service Order, highlight the Service Order in the 'Service Orders: Browse' window or open it in a record window and then select the 'Invoice' function from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android). The Invoice will be created from the invoiceable records in the Work Sheet Transaction register (i.e. those without Invoice Numbers and in which the Type is "Invoiceable"). The Invoice will therefore charge for the work that was actually carried out and for the Items that were actually supplied. Please refer here for full details.


The Work Sheet Transaction register in Standard ERP:

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