
Invoices - Header Fields Part 3

The Header fields that you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form are listed on five pages, as follows:
  • Part 1:

    • Basic Invoice Information

  • Part 2:

    • Invoice - Address Information

    • Invoice - Official Serial Number information

    • Customer Information

    • Customer Bank Information

    • Contact Person Information

    • Branch Information

  • Part 3:

    • Delivery Address Information

    • Freight Company Information

    • Original Invoice Information in Credit Notes

    • Location Information

    • Loyalty Card Information:

    • Order Information

    • Payment Information

    • Person/Invoice Creator Information

  • Part 4:

    • Project Information

    • Reservation Information

    • Reverse Charge VAT Information

    • Settlement Discount Information

    • Tax Template Summary

    • Transaction Information

    • VAT Summary

  • Part 5:

    • Country-Specific Fields - Argentina

    • Country-Specific Fields - Bolivia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Brazil

    • Country-Specific Fields - Croatia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Denmark

    • Country-Specific Fields - Finland

    • Country-Specific Fields - Mexico

    • Country-Specific Fields - Norway

    • Country-Specific Fields - Portugal

    • Country-Specific Fields - Russia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Saudi Arabia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Slovenia

    • Country-Specific Fields - Sweden
Row fields are listed here.


Header fields will be printed once per Invoice. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting. This will remove the decimals even in fields where you have used the Field Argument to control the rounding.

Delivery Address Information

The following fields print information from the record in the Delivery Addresses setting for the Address Code specified in the Invoice (on the 'Del. Address' card):

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Delivery Address)
Site AddressAddress. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Site ContactContact
Site FaxFax
Site NameComment
Site TelephoneTelephone

Freight Company Information

The following fields print information from the record in the Freight Companies setting for the Freight Comp. specified in the Invoice (on the 'Del. Terms' card):

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Freight Company)
CMR TextCMR Text
Freight CompanyName
Freight Company CodeCode
Freight Company's Reg. NumberReg. No.
Truck InformationTruck Information

Original Invoice Information in Credit Notes

If the Invoice being printed is a Credit Note, the following fields print information from the Invoice being credited:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from original Invoice)
Credited Invoice Inv. DateInvoice Date
Credited Invoice NumberPrints "Regarding Invoice " followed by the No. of the Invoice being credited
Credited Invoice Service DateService Del. Date
Credited Invoice Transaction Date Transaction Date
Official Serial Number of Orig. InvoiceOfficial No.
Rate for Base Currency of Orig. InvoiceBase Currency Rate, expressed as a ratio
Rate of Orig. InvoiceExchange Rate, expressed as a ratio
To Pay in Base Currency 1 of Orig. InvoiceTOTAL, converted to Base Currency 1 using the Exchange Rate in the Invoice. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, the TOTAL will be printed as a negative value
To Pay of Orig. Invoice TOTAL. If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, the TOTAL will be printed as a negative value

Location Information

The following fields print information from the record in the Locations setting for the Location specified in the Invoice (on the 'Del. Terms' card):

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Location)
Location AddressAddress. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Location ContactContact
Location EmailEmail
Location FaxFax
Location NameName
Location PhoneTelephone

Note: use the "Location" field to print the Location itself, taken from the Location field in the Invoice.

Loyalty Card Information

The following fields print information relating to the Loyalty Card specified in the Invoice being printed:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Loyalty Card LevelMembership Level from the Invoice
Loyalty Card NumberCard Number
Points EarnedLoyalty Points from the Invoice
Points End BalanceLoyalty Points on the Loyalty Card after the Invoice was saved (Forward Balance + Points Earned - Points Redeemed)
Points Forward BalanceLoyalty Points on the Loyalty Card prior to the Invoice being entered

Order Information

In an Invoice that was created from an Order or Delivery, the following fields will print information from the relevant record in the Order register:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Order)
Customer Order NumberCust. Ord. No. (the "Customer Order number from Invoice" field will print the Cust. Ord. No. from the Invoice, which will usually be the same)
Customer VAT Reg. Number (Ord. Customer)If the Invoice has an Original Customer, prints that Customer's VAT Reg. No. Otherwise, prints the VAT Reg. No. from the Order from which the Invoice was created
Deliveries made from OrderThe Nos of each Delivery created from the Order, printed as a string separated by commas
Number of Order RowsNumber of rows in the Order (including header lines, subtotal lines etc)
Official Serial Number of OrderOfficial No.
Order AddressName and Invoice Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Order Base Currency RateBase Currency Rate, expressed as a ratio
Order CommentComment
Order Date (orddatum) Date
Order Delivery AddressDelivery Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Ordering Customer NameName from the Invoice (if the Invoice has an Original Customer) or Name from the Order from which the Invoice was created (otherwise)
Ordering Customer Name and AddressIf the Invoice has an Original Customer and was created from an Order, the Name (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address from the Order from which the Invoice was created. If the Invoice has an Original Customer and was not created from an Order (e.g. it was created from a Quotation), the Name (depending on the Organisation name option) and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Original Customer. If the Invoice does not have an Original Customer, the Name (depending on the Organisation name option) and Delivery Address from the last Delivery created from that Order. Prints blank from an Invoice that does not have an Original Customer or a connected Delivery (e.g. an Invoice entered directly to the Invoice register, or an Invoice created from an Order with no connected Deliveries (i.e. an Order in which the Invoice Before Delivery option has been ticked)). This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Ordering Customer NumberOriginal Customer from the Invoice or, if blank, the Customer from the Order from which the Invoice was created
Planned Delivery Date (planship) Planned Delivery
Total Order QuantityTotal Quantity

Note: use the "Order Number" field to print the Order Number, taken from the Order No. field in the Invoice.

In an Invoice that was created from an Order, the fields listed below will print information from the last Delivery created from that Order. In an Invoice created from a Delivery, these fields will print information from that Delivery:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Delivery)
Delivery AddressName (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Delivery Address from the last Delivery created from the relevant Order or, if the Invoice was not created from an Order or Delivery, the Delivery Address from the Invoice (the first line of this address will only be printed if you are using the Organisation name option). This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Delivery DateDate
Official Serial Number of Last DeliveryOfficial No.
Ordering Customer Name and AddressIf the Invoice has an Original Customer and was created from an Order, the Name (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address from the Order from which the Invoice was created. If the Invoice has an Original Customer and was not created from an Order (e.g. it was created from a Quotation), the Name (depending on the Organisation name option) and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Original Customer. If the Invoice does not have an Original Customer, the Name (depending on the Organisation name option) and Delivery Address from the last Delivery created from that Order. Prints blank from an Invoice that does not have an Original Customer or a connected Delivery (e.g. an Invoice entered directly to the Invoice register, or an Invoice created from an Order with no connected Deliveries (i.e. an Order in which the Invoice Before Delivery option has been ticked)). This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Supplier CodeNo.
Transport NumberTransport No.

If the Invoice being printed was created from an Order or Delivery and contains at least one Down Payment row (i.e. a row deducting the value of a Down Payment Invoice previously created from the same Order), the fields listed below will print information from those rows and the connected Down Payment Invoices. The fields named "Downpay VAT..." (except Downpay VAT %) will print negative figures: if you need positive figures, enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument.

In all cases, you should specify a Line Height for these fields in case there is more than one Down Payment Invoice and/or in case more than one VAT Code was used. Note that these fields are not printed once per Down Payment row. Instead, the first two fields alphabetically will be printed once per Down Payment Invoice (allowing you to add a table to the Form Template listing Down Payment Invoices with dates), while the others will be printed once per VAT Code (allowing you to add a table to the Form Template listing various totals for each VAT Code used in Down Payment rows).

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Downpayment DatePrints as a list the Transaction Date(s) of the Down Payment Invoice(s) connected to the Down Payment row(s).
This field will only print a value if you are using the Details on Invoice option in the Down Payments setting
Downpayment No.Prints as a list the No(s). of the Down Payment Invoice(s) connected to the Down Payment row(s).
This field will only print a value if you are using the Details on Invoice option in the Down Payments setting
Downpay VAT %Prints as a list the VAT percentage(s) from the VAT Code(s) used in the Down Payment row(s)
Downpay VAT BaseThe sum of the values excluding VAT from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code
Downpay VAT Base in Base Currency 1The sum of the values excluding VAT from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code, converted to Base Currency 1
Downpay VAT Base in Base Currency 2The sum of the values excluding VAT from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code, converted to Base Currency 2
Downpay VAT TotalThe sum of the values including VAT from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code
Downpay VAT Total in Base Currency 1The sum of the values including VAT from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code, converted to Base Currency 1
Downpay VAT Total in Base Currency 2The sum of the values including VAT from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code, converted to Base Currency 2
Downpay VAT ValueThe sum of the VAT values from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code
Downpay VAT Value in Base Currency 1The sum of the VAT values from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code, converted to Base Currency 1
Downpay VAT Value in Base Currency 2The sum of the VAT values from the Down Payment row(s), printed as a list with one figure for each VAT Code, converted to Base Currency 2

If the Invoice being printed was created from an Order or Delivery and contains at least one Down Payment row (i.e. a row deducting the value of a Down Payment Invoice previously created from the same Order), the following fields will print various totals that take the Down Payment rows into account:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Down PaidThe total value of the Down Payment rows, including VAT
Down Paid VAT The total VAT value of the Down Payment rows
Down Paid without VATThe total value of the Down Payment rows, excluding VAT
Sum After Down PaymentSum + the total value of the Down Payment rows, excluding VAT
To Pay Before Down PaymentTOTAL + the total value of the Down Payment rows, including VAT
VAT After Down PaymentSum + the total VAT value of the Down Payment rows

Payment Information

When printing an Invoice in which there is a payment that was added using the 'Add Cash Line' or 'Add Credit Card Line' functions, the following fields print the amounts paid using various payment methods:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Cash ValuePrints the amount paid by cash or cheque or the redemption of Loyalty Card points
Credit Card TotalPrints the amount paid by credit card
Gift Voucher Received TotalPrints the amount paid by the redemption of Gift Vouchers
Payment Rows TotalPrints the total amount paid (i.e. the sum of the figures printed by the "Cash Value", "Credit Card Total" and "Gift Voucher Received Total" fields)
Returned ValuePrints the value of change given to the Customer as a positive figure (or the amount still owing as a negative figure if the Customer did not pay the full amount). In the case of an Invoice without any payment lines, this field will print the TOTAL as a negative figure

The following fields allow you to add a table to the Form listing the Payment Modes (i.e. payment methods) used in the Invoice together with total amounts. These fields will each be printed once for each Payment Mode used in an Invoice. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header":

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Payment Mode Summary (Amount)Amount paid using the Payment Mode
Payment Mode Summary (Text)Comment from the Payment Modes setting

Credit card information:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Credit Card Slip Note, Credit Card Slip Note 2If you process credit card payments through PC EFTPOS (Australia and New Zealand), Point or Rahaxi (Finland) or SteriaPay (Norway), records will be created in the Credit Card Slip register from each Invoice paid by credit card. Attached to each Credit Card Slip will be two Notes (these are effectively the Customer and Merchant copies). If an Invoice has a related Credit Card Slip, these fields will print the text of these Notes. Enter "CUSTOMER" as the Field Argument to print the text of the Customer Note, and "MERCHANT" as the Field Argument to print the text of the Merchant Note. The text of the Notes will be printed over several lines, so you should specify a Line Height for these fields

Person/Invoice Creator Information

The following fields print information from the Contact record of the Person who created the Invoice being printed—

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Contact record)
Sign EmailEmail
Sign FaxFax
Sign MobileMobile
Sign NameName
Sign PhoneTelephone

Note: use the "Salesman A", "Salesman Name" and "Email" fields to print the Signature, Name and Email address respectively of the Salesman specified in the Invoice.

Pages listing the fields that you can use in the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form:


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