Key Financial Ratios - Additional Column Options
This page describes various options on Flip B of the Key Ratio Column Definition window. Please refer
here for more details about adding columns to a Key Ratio report definition.

- Company
- Paste Special
Companies in the database
- If you have more than one Company in your database, you can use this field if you need the column to display figures from a particular Company. Leave the field empty to display figures from the Company you are in (i.e. the Company in which the Key Ratio report definition is stored).
- Currency Type
- Paste Special
Choice of possible entries
- Use this field to specify whether the figures in the column will be in Base Currency 1 or 2, as follows:
- Base Currency 1
- Choose this option if the figures are to be in Base Currency 1.
- Base Currency 2
- Choose this option if the figures are to be in Base Currency 2.
- From Specification
- Choose this option if you would like to choose the Base Currency when printing the report, using the Values in options in the report specification window.
Note that if you specify a Currency in the Display Values in field in the report specification window, the figures in the report will be in that Currency so this Currency Type will be ignored.
- Prefix
- If you would like every figure in the column to be printed with a prefix, specify that prefix here.
- Suffix
- If you would like every figure in the column to be printed with a suffix, specify that suffix here.
Please follow the links below for more details about the Key Financial Ratios report:
Reports in the Nominal Ledger:
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