

This page describes the Consolidation export function in the Consolidation module.


The Consolidation module in Standard ERP is designed so that information in Daughter Companies can be made available to certain reports in the Mother Company without the need physically to transfer any Daughter Company information to the Mother Company. This makes it very easy to produce consolidated reports, and removes the risk of error inherent in copying information from one Company to another.

However, the requirement to have the Mother and Daughter Companies in the same database may not be practical in every case. Where this is so, you can use this function to export Transaction information from a Daughter Company to a text file. You can then import this text file to the Mother Company, which could be in a different database.

Before you use this function in a Daughter Company, it is recommended that you produce a Consolidation Report. This will show what will be included in the text file.

You should produce the export from each Daughter Company. You can then import each export file to the Mother Company using the 'Automatic' or 'Manual file search' Import options in the System module. Do not name the export files with two leading minus signs/hyphens (e.g. --Data.txt) as it is not possible to import information from files named in this way.

The file produced by this function will not contain individual Transactions. Instead, it will contain a single record, with balances for each Account (or the net change over a specified period). You can import this record to the Transaction register or to the Simulation register: if you are not using the Use Preliminary Transactions option in the Transaction Settings setting, it might be advisable to import to the Simulation register for final checking. You can easily create a Transaction from the Simulation by highlighting it in the 'Simulations: Browse' window and selecting 'Create N/L Transactions' from the Operations menu (Windows/macOS) or Tools menu (iOS/Android).

In the imported record, there will be a separate row for each Account balance. The balance of a Daughter Company Account in which you have specified a Consolidation Account will be posted to that Consolidation Account in the Mother Company. Otherwise, the balance will be posted to the Mother Company Account with the same Account Number as the Daughter Company Account. Any Accounts used in the export file but not present in the Mother Company will be added to the Mother Company's Account register.

If you have used the Main Owner Percentage register to record the partial ownership of the Daughter Company, the balance for each Account in which you have selected the Reduce Minorities option will be reduced to the correct percentage.

Any Tags/Objects used in the Daughter Company will not be included in the export file. The imported record will therefore not include any Objects, unless you specify one in the Cons. Tag/Object field in the 'Specify Consolidation Export' window.

If the record does not balance when it is imported, the import routine will add a balancing posting to the end of a Transaction but not to a Simulation. This posting will use an Account created by the routine for the purpose, with an Account Code of "99999". This will most commonly occur when a Daughter Company is partially owned, but you have not selected the Reduce Minorities option in every Account.

If you are using different Currencies in the Mother and Daughter Companies, you must make sure that one Currency (the "Group Currency") is used as a Base Currency in both Companies. In the Consolidation Settings in each Company, you should specify whether the Group Currency is being used as Base Currency 1 or 2 in that Company. All figures in the export file will be in the Group Currency. If you are using different Currencies and will be consolidating using this export function, it is recommended that you use the Mother Company for consolidation purposes only: it should not have any Transactions of its own.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates for the period to be covered by the export, separated by a colon. If you choose the Balances option below, the balance of each Account on the last day of this period will be exported. If you choose the Net Change option, the change in the balance of each Account during this period will be exported.

Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Specify here the Accounts whose balances are to be included in the export file. An Account will be included in the export file if its Account Number is within the specified range but its Consolidation Account is outside the range.

Paste Special    Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
If you enter a Tag/Object here, the Account balances in the export file will be calculated from Transaction rows with that Tag/Object. If you enter a number of Tags/Objects separated by commas, balances will be calculated from Transaction rows featuring all the Tags/Objects listed.

Note that the Tag(s)/Object(s) specified here will only be used to calculate the figures to be exported: they will not themselves be included in the export file. If this is required, enter the Tag(s)/Object(s) in the Cons. Tag/Object field below as well.

Cons. Tag/Object
Paste Special    Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Any Tag/Object that you specify here will be attached to each Account balance in the record that will be created when you import the export file to the Mother Company. This means that it will be easy to report from the Mother Company on each Daughter Company using Objects. This might be useful if, for example, the Daughter Companies have different VAT Numbers.

You can specify several Tags/Objects, separated by commas. If any of the Tags/Objects is the head of a Tag/Object hierarchy, all members of the hierarchy will appear in the export file.

Paste Special    Choose date
When you import the file produced using this function to the Mother Company, the information in the file will be placed in a record in the Transaction or Simulation registers (determined by the Export as options below). The date entered here will be used as the Transaction Date in that record.

Enter here the descriptive text that is to be placed in the Text field of the Transaction or Simulation that will be created when you import the file to the Mother Company.

Backup Comment
Enter a short comment describing the content of the export file (up to 40 characters are permitted). This description will be saved in the exported file so, if you use the 'Automatic' Import function in the System module to import the resulting file to another Company or database, this description will be shown in the list of importable files.

Use these options to determine how the values contained in the export file are to be calculated:
The file will contain the balance of each Account on the last day of the period specified above.

Net Change
The file will contain the change in the balance of each Account over the period specified above.

Net Change for P&L A/C and Balance for Bal. Sheet A/C
The file will contain the change in the balance of each Profit & Loss Account (i.e. each Income and Expense Account) over the specified period. and the balance of each Balance Sheet Account (i.e. each Asset, Liability and Equity Account) on the last day of the specified period.

Export as
When you import the export file produced using this function to the Mother Company, a record can be created in the Transaction register or in the Simulation register. Select one of these options to determine which.

Including Simulations
Select this option if you want the calculation of the figures in the export file to include simulated transactions from the Simulation register. Simulation rows in which the Status is "Invalid" and "Transferred" will not be included.

Used Accounts Only
Use this option to restrict the export to Accounts that have a balance at the end of the specified period (if you choose the Balance option above) or have been used during the specified period specified (if you choose the Net Change option).
As already mentioned, the file produced by this function will not contain individual Transactions. Instead, it will contain a single record, with balances for each Account (or the net change over a specified period).


Export functions in the Consolidation module:

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