
Renew Contracts - The Renew Contracts Setting

The operation of the 'Renew Contracts' Maintenance function can be affected by the Renew Contracts setting. You can store one record in this setting for each Contract Class. When Contracts belonging to a particular Class are renewed, they will be modified according to the instructions in the appropriate Renew Contracts record.

From Class
Paste Special    Contract Classes setting, Contracts module
Enter a Contract Class here. The 'Renew Contracts' function will search for the record in this setting whose From Class matches the Class of the Contract being renewed.

To Class
Paste Special    Contract Classes setting, Contracts module
When a Contract is renewed, the Class entered here will be the Class of the new Contract. If this field is blank, the Class of the new Contract will be blank as well.

This comment will be copied to the Comment field on the 'Del Terms' card of the new Contract.

Period Length
This figure will be copied to the Length field in the new Contract. This will determine the Invoice period of the new Contract.

This figure will also determine the End Date of the new Contract, as follows:
End Date = Start Date + Period Length (in months or days as specified in the old Contract)
If this field is blank, the Length of the new Contract will be the same as that of the old Contract.

Remove Invoice To Customer
The Invoice To field on the 'Partners' card of the Contract screen can be used if the Invoices for the Contract are to be sent to another company, such as a leasing company or a parent company. If this is the case in the original Contract but is not to be the case in the new Contract, check this box.