
Entering a Disposal record

To open the Disposal register, first ensure you are in the Assets module and then select 'Disposals' from the Registers menu or click the [Disposals] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Disposals: Browse' window is opened, showing Disposal records already entered.

Disposal records are normally shown in transaction number order. The OK column contains a check mark for the Disposal records that have been approved.

From the 'Disposals: Browse' window, click the [New] button in the Button Bar to open a new Disposal record. Alternatively, if one already exists that is similar to the one you are about to enter, find it in the list, highlight it and click [Duplicate].

The 'Disposal: New' window is opened, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Disposal record. In the case of the duplicate, the Date of the new Disposal record will be the current date, not the date of the original record.

Paste Special    Select from another Number Series
The number of the Disposal record: Hansa will enter the next unused number from the first number sequence entered in the Number Series - Disposals setting. You may change this number, but not to one that has already been used.

Trans Date
Paste Special    Choose date
The Transaction date: Hansa enters the current date as a default.

Paste Special    Current Time
The time of the Disposal, recorded for information only.

Choose whether the Assets entered in the grid of the Disposal record have been sold or written off. The options cause different Nominal Ledger Transactions to be created when you approve the record: these Transactions are described on the Nominal Ledger Transactions from Disposal records page.

An optional reference field. Any text that you enter here will be copied to the Reference field of the Nominal Ledger Transaction that results from this Disposal record, so it will be shown in the 'Transactions: Browse' window.

Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Specify here the Account that is to be used for the gain or loss on disposal. It will be debited with the Purchase Value of the Asset(s) listed in the grid below, credited with the total depreciation of those Assets and, if the Type (above) is "Sale", it will also be credited with the Sales Price(s) entered in the grid.

You can specify an Account in any of the Disposal rows, overriding that entered here.
Use the grid area to list the Assets that are to be sold or written off.
Inventory No.
Paste Special    Asset register, Assets module
Enter the Inventory Number of the Asset that is to be sold or written off.

Once the Disposal record has been approved, the Asset will usually not be included in reports and depreciation calculations, although you can explicitly choose to include it if you wish.

The quantity that you need to sell or write off. The default figure is taken from the Quantity field on the 'Owner' card of the Asset. You can change it if necessary.

Hansa enters the Asset Name in this field: you can change it if necessary.

Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
You can enter an individual Account number for each row, to override that entered for the Disposal overall.

Paste Special    Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Default taken from    Asset
Any Objects that you have specified in the Asset record will be copied here as a default. You can add further Objects here, separated by commas. In the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from this Disposal record, any Objects specified here will be assigned to all debit and credit postings resulting from this row (except the debit posting to the Capital Investment Account). Objects specified in the Asset Class to which the Asset belongs will not be shown here, but will appear in the Nominal Ledger Transaction.

Sales Price
If the Type of the Disposal is "Sale", enter the price for which the Asset was sold here. The default figure is the Starting Value from the latest Revaluation record or, if there aren't any, the Purchase Value from the Asset record.

In the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from this Disposal record, this figure will be debited to the Capital Investment Account specified in the Account Usage Assets setting and credited to the Account specified in the Disposal record.

If the Type of the Disposal is "Write-off", any figure entered here will not be used in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction.

If the Quantity is greater than one, this should be a total figure, not a figure per unit.

The total depreciation of the Asset from its Start Date to the end of the month containing the Transaction Date of the Disposal, calculated using Depreciation Model 1. This figure is brought in automatically when the Disposal record is saved for the first time, and it will be updated each time you save if you change the date of the Disposal or the Quantity being sold or written off. When the Nominal Ledger Transaction is created, this figure will be debited to the Depreciation Account in the Asset Class and credited to the Account specified in the Disposal record.

If the Quantity is greater than one, this will be a total figure, not a figure per unit.
Check this box to approve the Disposal record. After saving, you will no longer be able to change it.

If you have so determined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger, a Nominal Ledger Transaction will be created in the Transaction register. The nature of this Transaction is described on the Nominal Ledger Transactions from Disposal records page.

When you approve and save a Disposal record, the Assets that it contains will not be marked as Inactive automatically, because you might not want to remove those Assets from reports immediately. You should mark them as Inactive yourself in the Asset register when appropriate.

You can use the Access Groups setting in the System module to restrict the use of the OK check box in Disposals to certain members of staff. Grant or restrict access to the "OKing Asset Writeoffs" Action as necessary.

References in these web pages to approved Disposal records are to those whose OK check box is on.

Record any comment about the Disposal record here, such as the reason for its entry. This comment is shown in the 'Disposals: Browse' window and is copied to the Text field of the Nominal Ledger Transaction that results from this Disposal record. It will therefore be shown in the 'Transactions: Browse' window as well.