
Preparing for Installation

Enterprise by HansaWorld is designed with a modern graphical user interface - for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It uses many different "windows" on the screen, one for each task. The basic idea is to create a working environment that as closely as possible relates to the way you handle papers, files and documents on your desk.

Accounting tasks normally require that you work with several documents at the same time. This is reflected in the design of Enterprise by HansaWorld, where documents and reports are handled in a slightly different manner to what you may be used to in word processors or spreadsheet programs. Enterprise by HansaWorld therefore contains a number of features that you may not be familiar with.

If Enterprise by HansaWorld is the first program you will be using in a Windows, Linux or Mac OS X environment, you should first of all take the time to learn as much as possible about the computer and how to use it. And you must of course be sure that the correct version of the computer's operating system is installed. Talk to your computer dealer or consultant if you are uncertain.

In the Accounting Principles section in these web pages you can read more about the basic accounting tasks in a business. Please ensure you read it if this is your first attempt with computerised accounting.

Even if you are an experienced computer user, you should read this Introduction, because Enterprise by HansaWorld contains a large number of features designed to facilitate your work and to make it faster. If you are the 'I-never-read-manuals' type of person, you will of course be able to use Enterprise by HansaWorld anyway - it is very simple. But there are some not so obvious shortcuts that can save you a lot of time. They are all in these web pages.


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