
Entering a Transaction - Footer

Difference Base 1
Any difference between the sums of Debited and Credited amounts in your home Currency (Base Currency 1) is shown here: the two sums must be the same before you can save the Transaction. A balancing entry shows a zero difference in this field.

Difference Base 2
If you are using the Dual-Base system, any difference between the sums of Debited and Credited amounts in Base Currency 2 is shown here. A balancing entry shows a zero difference in this field. If a Transaction does not balance in Base Currency 1, the Difference Base 1 (above) will not be zero and you will not be able to save the Transaction. If it is balanced in Base Currency 1 but not Base Currency 2, the Base 2 Credit figure in the final row will be adjusted when you save the Transaction and so the Difference Base 2 will be set to zero automatically. If you want to prevent this adjustment, add a final balancing row that posts to a Base Currency Round Off Account before saving. For more details, please refer to the bottom of this page.

These two fields show the sums of Debits and Credits for this Transaction.