
Update Transactions

If you have followed the procedure to upgrade to the Dual-Base system and discover some Transactions to be missing Currency or exchange rate information, they can be corrected easily without repeating the whole updating process. This situation might arise if the Currency, Base Rate or Exchange Rate information is incomplete, or if you import some Nominal Ledger Transactions without Currency information after the main update.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the Currency, Base Rate or Exchange Rate information that was missing is now present.

  2. Select the 'Update Transactions' Maintenance function in the Nominal Ledger. The following window opens:

  3. Enter a period that includes all the Transactions to be updated and check the Update Missing Currency Values and Rates box. No Transactions will be updated if this box is not checked.

  4. Click [Run] in the Button Bar. The Transactions will be updated and you will be returned to the 'Maintenance' list.


Do not use this function before you have updated your database to use the Dual-Base system.