
Production Order Journal

This page describes the Production Order Journal report in the Production module.


The Production Order Journal report is a list of Production Orders in the Production Order register, and also shows the Productions that have been created from each Production Order.

You can also produce the Overview version of this report by opening a Production Order and choosing 'Production Order Status' from the Operations menu (Windows/macOS) or Tools menu (iOS/Android).

When printed to screen, the Production Order Journal has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on any Production Order or Production Number to open an individual Production Order or Production record.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period. If you choose to list Started Production Orders in the report, those whose Start Dates fall within this period will be shown in the report. For other Production Orders, those whose Due Dates fall within this period and those with blank Due Dates will be included.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter the Production Order Number (or range of Production Order Numbers) of the records to be shown in the report.

Out Items
Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter the Item Number of an assembled Item to list Production Orders with a particular Output Item.

Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
If you enter an Item Group here, the report will list every Production Order whose Output Item is a member of the Item Group.

Paste Special    Recipe Register, Production module
Enter a Recipe Number to list Production Orders that use a particular Recipe.

Paste Special    Asset register, Assets module
Enter a Machine Number to list Production Orders that have been assigned to a particular Machine.

These options control the level of detail shown in the report.
On a single line per Production Order, this option shows Number, Due Date, Queue Position, Machine, Recipe, Name and Quantity. If any Productions have been created from a Production Order, these will be listed on individual lines under the Production Order. Information shown will be the Number, Date, Person, total Weight and Quantity.

In addition to the details in the Overview, this option shows the Comments and Instructions from each Production Order, and lists its components individually.

Multiply by Order Qty
The list of components in the Detailed version of the report can include the quantities required to produce one Output Item (as entered to the Production Order), or it can include the total quantities required to complete the Production Order. Tick this box if you want to use the second option.

For example, a Production Order has a total quantity of 2000. 500 have already been built (i.e. included in Finished Productions). Two examples of a particular component are required for each Output Item: this is the quantity entered in the grid in the Production Order. If you are not using this option, the report will show that a quantity of two components is required to produce one Output Item. If you are using this option, the report will show a quantity of 3000 components is required to produce 1500 Output Items.

Select the appropriate options to include Production .Orders of different types in the report. You must select at least one option, otherwise a blank report will result.

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