
Production Operations

This page describes the Production Operations report in the Production module.


This report lists the Production Operations that you can create from a particular Production or range of Productions.

When printed to screen, the Create Production Operations report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on any Production Number to open an individual Production record. You will then be able to create the Production Operations listed in the report by choosing 'Production Operations' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android).

Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter a Production Number to see the Production Operations that can be created from that Production. A Production must have Routing to be included in the report.

Two versions of the report are available:
Only Productions without Operations
The report will list those Productions in the specified range that currently have no connected Production Operations. For each Production, the anticipated Production Operations will be listed, showing the Sequence, Comment, Item Numbers and Names, and In and Out Quantities.

Only Productions that cannot be completed
The report will list those Productions in the specified range that currently cannot be completed.

One reason that a Production cannot be completed is because it has at least one connected Production Operation that has been marked as Cancelled or Discarded. This means that the process cannot be completed. For each such Production, the existing Production Operations will be listed, showing the Sequence, Comment, Item Numbers and Names, In and Out Quantities and Status.

A second reason that a Production cannot be completed is because it has no connected Production Operations. This means that the process cannot be started. For each such Production, no Production Operations will be listed in the report.


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