Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Multi-Currency >> Customer and Suppliers Previous Next This text refers to program version 8.4 Using Currencies with Customers and Suppliers If you are using Currencies, you can assign a Sales Currency to each Customer and a Purchase Currency to each Supplier. To do this, use the Sales Currency and Purch. Currency fields on the 'Pricing' card of each Contact record:If you need to be able to use more than one Currency with a particular Customer or Supplier, leave the Sales and/or Purch. Currency fields blank in the relevant Contact record. For example, you might need to use your home Currency, the Customer's or Supplier's home Currency and any other Currency such as the Euro or Dollar in various transactions with the same company. Leaving the Sales and/or Purch. Currency fields blank will mean that you will be able to enter transactions in any Currency, with the default being your Default Base Currency (defined in the Base Currency setting). In the case of a domestic Customer and Supplier, you can specify that your home Currency should be used as their Sales and/or Purch. Currencies. Again, you will not be able to change to a different Currency in an individual transaction. If it is likely or possible that you will need to use different Currencies, leave the Sales and/or Purch. Currency fields empty so that the Default Base Currency will be offered to all transactions. From the point of view of using Currencies, there is therefore no difference between domestic Customers and Suppliers and those located abroad. Once you have specified a Sales Currency for a Customer and have used that Customer in a sales transaction of any kind, you should not change the Sales Currency. Similarly, you should not change the Purch. Currency for a Supplier once you have used that Supplier in a purchasing transaction. --- Go back to:
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