
Banking File - UK - BACS

This page contains some guidance about where to enter information in order for it to be included correctly in Banking File export files when they are produced using the UK - BACS Payment File Format.


  1. In the Contact records for each Supplier:

    1. Enter the Supplier's bank account number in the Bank Account field and the Sort Code of the Supplier's bank in the Sort Code field (without hyphens or spaces). This information will be exported from the Contact records for each Supplier, not from the Payment rows. So if you forget to enter a Supplier's bank details before entering a Payment, you can make the correction in the Supplier record before exporting. However, any changes that you make to a Supplier's bank details in a Payment row won't be exported.

    2. If the Supplier has a Factoring Supplier, follow step (a) above for that Factoring Supplier. Payments will be sent to the Factoring Supplier.

  2. In the Payment Modes setting:
    1. Enter your bank account number in the Bank A/C No. field in each Payment Mode.

    2. Enter the Sort Code of your bank in the Sort Code field (without hyphens or spaces).
Purchase Invoices
  1. Specify a Supp. Inv. No. in each Purchase Invoice.
  1. Select "Per Supplier" as the Payment Format on the 'Bank' card if appropriate.
  1. If a Payment record contains more than one row with the same Supplier, you can select One Payment per Supplier if you want those rows to be grouped together in the export file. If selected, all Payments will be exported on a One Payment per Supplier basis. If not selected, only those Payments where the Payment Format is Per Supplier (step 4 above) will be exported on that basis.

Export functions in the Purchase Ledger and Integration modules:

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