
Customer Categories - Pricing Card

This page describes the fields on the 'Pricing' card of the Customer Category record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

Price List
Paste Special    Price List register, Pricing module
You can use Price Lists to determine the prices in all sales transactions (e.g. Quotations, Sales Orders and Sales Invoices). When you create a new sales transaction and specify a Customer, the Price List in that transaction will be chosen as follows:

  1. If the Customer has a Loyalty Card, the Price List will be brought in from the relevant row in the Loyalty Card Membership Level Structure setting in the Point of Sales module. This point will only be used in Sales Invoices.

  2. The Price List will be brought in from the 'Pricing' card of the Customer's Contact record.

  3. The Price List will be brought in from this field in the Customer Category to which the Customer belongs.

  4. The Price List will be taken from the Sales Pay. Term record allocated to the Customer. Note that if you change the Payment Term in an Invoice, the Price List in that Invoice will be changed if a Price List has been specified in the new Payment Term.

If you are using dated Price Lists, a Price List chosen as specified above may be replaced by one that is valid on the date of the sales transaction.

Assigning a Price List to a Customer Category rather than to individual Customers makes it easy to allocate or change the Price List of a group of Customers in a single step. You can specify a different Price List for an individual Customer if necessary.

Please refer here for details about Price Lists, including dated Price Lists.

Discount Matrix
Paste Special    Discount Matrix register, Pricing module
Discount Matrices allow you to set up quantity discount structures (i.e. to offer discounts based on the quantities sold). When you create a new sales transaction (e.g. a Quotation, Sales Order or Sales Invoice) and specify a Customer, the Discount Matrix in that transaction will be chosen as follows:

  1. If the Customer has a Loyalty Card, the Discount Matrix will be brought in from the relevant row in the Loyalty Card Membership Level Structure setting in the Point of Sales module. This point will only be used in Sales Invoices.

  2. The Discount Matrix will be brought in from the 'Pricing' card of the Customer's Contact record.

  3. The Discount Matrix will be brought in from this field in the Customer Category to which the Customer belongs.

Assigning a Discount Matrix to a Customer Category rather than to individual Customers makes it easy to allocate or change the Discount Matrix of a group of Customers in a single step. You can specify a different Discount Matrix for an individual Customer if necessary.

Discount Matrices are described here.

Down Payment Percentage
A Down Payment is a deposit or initial payment that you receive from a Customer before delivering goods or services. A Down Payment Invoice is an Invoice that you issue for such a deposit.

A Down Payment Invoice must be connected to a Sales Order. If you need to issue a Down Payment Invoice, you must first create a Sales Order and then create the Down Payment Invoice from that Sales Order.

The value of the Down Payment Invoice will be calculated by multiplying the Order value by a specific percentage. This percentage will be taken from this field in the Customer Category to which the Customer belongs or, if this field is blank or the Customer does not belong to a Category, from the Down Payments setting in the Sales Orders module. You should also specify in that setting whether the percentage is to be applied to the Order total including or excluding VAT.
The Customer Categories setting:

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