
POS Invoices - Header Fields

The fields that you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the POS Invoice form are listed on two pages, as follows:

Header Fields (these print once per POS Invoice). If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting. This will remove the decimals even in fields where you have used the Field Argument to control the rounding.

Please refer to the 'USB/Wifi Receipt Printers with user-definable print-outs' section on the USB/Wifi Receipt Printers with user-definable print-outs page for guidelines that will be useful when designing the Form Template.

Basic Information

The following fields print information taken directly from the POS Invoice being printed

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from POS Invoice)
AddressName (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.).
The Address will be brought in to the Invoice from the Contact record for the Customer, and can be changed using the "Change Address" button
Address 1First line of Address
Address 2Second line of Address
Address 3Third line of Address
Address 4Fourth line of Address
Address 5 Fifth line of Address
Address 6 Sixth line of Address
Amount in TextPrints the TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting
Bagger NameName from the Bagger's Person record
Customer NumberCustomer
Customer Order number from Invoice Customer Order Number (can be entered using the "Change Invoice Details" button)
Customer Registration No. 1Reg. No. 1 (brought in to the Invoice from the Contact record for the Customer)
Customer Registration No. 2Reg. No. 2 (brought in to the Invoice from the Contact record for the Customer)
Customer VAT Reg. Number VAT Reg. No. (brought in to the Invoice from the Contact record for the Customer)
Danish Reference NumberPrice List
Duplicate Prints "Duplicate as of " followed by the current date (only prints if the Invoice has previously been printed and if it has been marked as OK)
Invoice DateTrans. Date
Invoice Date (Hijri)Trans. Date (Hijri calendar)
Invoice No.No.
Last Invoice Comment Comment entered using the "Return Reason" button
Local MachineLocal Machine Code of the till on which the Invoice was created, taken from the Local Machine setting
Original/CopyPrints "Original" (if the Invoice has not previously been printed) or "Copy" (otherwise)
Our ReferenceOur Reference (brought in to the Invoice from the Person record for the Salesman, can be changed using the "Change Invoice Details" button)
Price TextPrints "Gross Price" (if prices in the Invoice exclude VAT) or "Nett Price" (otherwise)
Rate Exchange Rate, expressed as a ratio
Rate for Base Currency Base Currency Rate, expressed as a ratio
Reference (Invoice)Reference entered using the "Enter Reference Number" button
Returned ValueChange
Round Off Prints the amount lost or gained by the process of rounding the TOTAL according to the Total rounding rules set for the Currency/Payment Term combination in the Currency Round Off setting or in the Round Off setting (i.e. when the TOTAL is rounded to fewer decimal places than the Default).
Sales ClerkSupervisor
Salesman ASalesman/Cashier
Salesman Clerk NameName from the Supervisor's Person record
Salesman Name Name from the Salesman/Cashier's Person record
Serial Number (Number Series)No.
Subtotal without discount Sum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row
Sum, including VATTOTAL - VAT
Sum, VATSubtotal
Sum VAT-base incl. zero rateSubtotal (if prices in the Invoice exclude VAT) or TOTAL - VAT (otherwise)
Tag/Object Text (objekttext) Names from each Object, separated by commas, up to a maximum of 250 characters
Terminal IDTerminal ID of the till on which the Invoice was created, taken from the Local Machine setting
To Pay in TextPrints TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase will be constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting
Total DiscountSum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row - Subtotal
Total VAT Base Sum of the Sums in each row in Invoices in which prices exclude VAT, or sum of (Sum-VAT) in each row otherwise (i.e. the total Invoice value excluding VAT). If you enter "-" (i.e. a minus sign) as the Field Argument, this figure will be printed as a negative value
Transaction Date (transdate)Trans. Date
Transaction Date (transdate) (Hijri)Trans. Date (Hijri calendar)
Transaction Time (transtime)Trans. Time
Your (customers) ReferenceAttention (brought in to the Invoice from the Contact record for the Customer, can be changed using the "Change Invoice Details" button)

Customer Information

The following fields print information taken from the record in the Contact register for the Customer:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Customer)
Bank Account Bank Account
Country Code (Customer)Country
Customer NameName

Location Information

The following fields print information from the record in the Locations setting for the Location specified in the POS Invoice:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Location)
Location AddressAddress. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Location ContactContact
Location EmailEmail
Location FaxFax
Location NameName
Location PhoneTelephone

Note: use the "Location" field to print the Location itself, taken from the Location field in the Invoice.

Loyalty Card Information

The following fields print information relating to the Loyalty Card specified in the Invoice being printed:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Loyalty Card LevelMembership Level from the Invoice
Loyalty Card NumberCard Number
Points EarnedLoyalty Points from the Invoice
Points End BalanceLoyalty Points on the Loyalty Card after the Invoice was saved (Forward Balance + Points Earned - Points Redeemed)
Points Forward BalanceLoyalty Points on the Loyalty Card prior to the Invoice being entered

Official Serial Number information

The following fields print information regarding the Official No. of an Invoice, taken from the Invoice being printed or from the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting for the Official No.

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from POS Invoice or Legal Record Numbers setting)
Legal Invoice No. Approval NumberApproval No. in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting
Legal Invoice No. Approval YearApproval Year in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting
Legal Invoice No. Certificate Number Certificate No. in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting
Official Serial Number Prints the Official No. 2 if there is one or the Official No. otherwise.
Official Serial Number 2Official No. 2
Official Serial Number Serie Serie in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting
Official Serial Number without SerieOfficial No. (without the Serie specified in the relevant row in the Legal Record Numbers setting)

Payment Information

The following fields allow you to add a table to the Form listing the Payment Modes (i.e. payment methods) used in the Invoice together with total amounts. These fields will each be printed once for each Payment Mode used in an Invoice. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header":

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Payment Mode Summary (Amount)Amount paid using the Payment Mode
Payment Mode Summary (Text)Comment from the Payment Modes setting

Credit card information:

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Credit Card Slip Note, Credit Card Slip Note 2If you process credit card payments through Bambora (Sweden), PC-EFTPOS (Australia and New Zealand), Point via Banksys Yomani and VeriFone Vx810 (Finland) or Verifone (Latvia), records will be created in the Credit Card Slips setting from each Invoice paid by credit card. Attached to each Credit Card Slip will be two Notes (these are effectively the Customer and Merchant copies). If an Invoice has a related Credit Card Slip, these fields will print the text of these Notes. Enter "CUSTOMER" as the Field Argument to print the text of the Customer Note, and "MERCHANT" as the Field Argument to print the text of the Merchant Note. The text of the Notes will be printed over several lines, so you should specify a Line Height for these fields

Tax Template Summary

If you are using Tax Templates (i.e. you are using the Use Tax Templates for Tax Calculation option in the Transaction Settings setting), you can use the following fields to add a table to the Form listing the VAT Codes used in the Tax Templates in the Invoice together with various totals. These fields will each be printed once for each VAT Code used in an Invoice. "VAT Base" and "VAT Value" will print negative figures if you specify a minus sign as the Field Argument. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header":

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Excl. VAT PercentageVAT percentage
VAT BaseTotal excluding VAT
VAT Base in Base Currency 1Total excluding VAT, converted to Base Currency 1
VAT Code TotalVAT Code
VAT Comment Description from the VAT Codes setting
VAT ValueVAT value
VAT Value in Base Currency 1VAT value, converted to Base Currency 1

If you are not using Tax Templates, please refer to the 'VAT Code Summary' section immediately below for a list of the fields you can include in a table listing the VAT Codes used in an Invoice.

VAT Code Summary

The following fields allow you to add a table to the Form listing the VAT Codes used in the Invoice together with various totals. These fields will each be printed once for each VAT Code used in an Invoice. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header":

Field in Form TemplatePrints
VAT % VAT percentage
VAT BaseTotal excluding VAT
VAT Base in Base Currency 1Total excluding VAT, converted to Base Currency 1
VAT Code TotalVAT Code
VAT Comment Description from the VAT Codes setting
VAT Total Total including VAT
VAT ValueVAT value
VAT Value in Base Currency 1VAT value, converted to Base Currency 1

If you are using Tax Templates, please refer to the 'Tax Template Summary' section immediately above for a list of the fields you can include in a table listing the VAT Codes used in an Invoice.

Country-Specific Fields - Croatia

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Control Code (Croatia)Prints the Control Code of an Invoice. This is generated automatically when the Invoice is marked as OK and contains unique identifying data for each Invoice, encrypted and presented in hexadecimal format
Tax Administration Service SealTax Seal

Country-Specific Fields - Mexico

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Tax Administration Service SealselloSAT

Country-Specific Fields - Poland

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Print DatePrint Date (the Print Date is not recorded in Invoices that are printed on receipt or fiscal printers)

Country-Specific Fields - Portugal

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Copy of the original document (SAFT portugal)If the Status of the Invoice is "Manual" or "Recovered from Damaged Database", prints "Cópia do documento original-" followed by characters signifying the Invoice Type (i.e. Invoice, Cash Note, Credit Note or Interest Invoice) and the Status (i.e. Manual or Recovered) followed by the Official No. 2. This field only prints if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Portuguese"
Portuguese SAFT Hash ControlPrints a string constructed from characters 1, 11, 21 and 31 of the hash signature of the Invoice, a hyphen and the phrase "Processado por programa certificado nº 2020 /AT Standard ERP"

Country-Specific Fields - Slovenia

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Digital SealPrints the ZOI (Zaščitna oznaka izdajatelja računa) in hexadecimal notation
Slovenian Fiscal Invoice Barcode 128 Prints a string constructed as follows: ZOI in decimal notation + tax number of the Salesman + Invoice date/time + control digit.
Each Salesman should have their own record in the Contact register, connected to their Person record The tax number of a Salesman will be taken from the VAT Reg. No. field in their Contact record.
You can enter "15" or "20" as the Field Argument in this field If you enter "15", the string will be printed on four lines with 15 characters in each line. If you enter "20", the string will be printed on three lines with 20 characters in each line. In both cases, you should specify a Line Height for this field. If you leave the Field Argument blank, the string will be printed on one line.
You should give this field a Style in which the Barcode has been set to "Code 128" and that uses a suitable barcode font.
The height of the barcode should be at least 3.5 mm
Tax Administration Service SealPrints the EOR (Enkratna identifikacijska oznaka računa)

The fields listed below print information from the Main Premise setting in the System module. This setting is only available in Slovenia (i.e. it is available when the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is "Slovenian").

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Premise AddressName (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Premise Address 0First line of the Address
Premise Address 1Second line of the Address
Premise Address 2Third line of the Address
Premise Address 3Fourth line of the Address
Premise Address 4Fifth line of the Address
Premise Building Section No. Building Section No.
Premise Cadastral Building No.Building No.
Premise Cadastral No. Cadastral No.
Premise CodeCode
Premise NameName
Premise Registration No. Reg. No.
Premise VAT No.VAT Reg. No.

Country-Specific Fields - Sweden

Field in Form TemplatePrints
Fiscal Device Sequence NumberFiscal Device Sequence Number (sequence number of each Invoice recorded on CleanCash fiscal control unit)
Terminal IDTerminal ID (i.e. serial number of CleanCash fiscal control unit)


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See also:

Guidelines that will be useful when designing the Form TemplateForms in the Point of Sales module:

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