
Creating a New Database (Multi-user)

Server with Graphical Interface (Windows and Macintosh OS 9)
To create a new, multi-user, database, essentially the same steps as those described on the single user page need be followed. Working on the server, simply ensure that there is no database file with the name "Hansa.HDB" in the same folder as the Hansa application, and launch the application by double-clicking. However, make sure that the "DBDef.txt" and "Default.txt" files are present. A new database is created.

As in a single-user system, create your first Company as described on the Creating a New Company. Make sure that the "Default.txt" file is present. Again, at this stage you do not need to consider the TCP/IP and Port fields.

All communications between clients and the server are encrypted using a built-in Encryption Key. If you would like an Encryption Key of your own to be used, click the button marked "B" on the right-hand side of the 'Companies: Inspect' window and enter your key in the Encryption Key field. You should enter the same key on the server and on the clients.

When the entry is complete, click the [Save] button. Again, as with the single-user system, the next stage is to inform Hansa which Company you wish to use. The 'Companies' list will appear: highlight the single Company and press the Enter key. You should now follow the instructions in the 'Setting up the Server Module' section at the bottom of this page to configure the new database.

Server with no Graphical Interface (Linux and Macintosh OS X)
To create a new database on a server that does not have a graphical interface, first ensure that there is no database file with the name "Hansa.HDB" in the same folder as the Hansa application, and that the "DBDef.txt" and "Default.txt" files are present. Then, put the server into "Terminal" mode as described on the Linux and Macintosh OS X Server Installation page.

When the Terminal window opens, and assuming you have retained the default directory structure, type:

cd /Applications/Hansa/HansaFinancialsServ (Linux), or
cd /Applications/Hansa/HansaFinancialsOSXServ (OS X)

./hansa backup/TBXXXXXX.txt &
Starts the Hansa server application and imports the back-up or example data file TBXXXXXX.txt. In this example, this file is in the "backup" folder inside the folder containing the Hansa server application.
The progress of the import will be shown in the Terminal window. When it has finished, Hansa will quit. Restart it by typing:
./hansa &
If you do not want a back-up or example data file to be imported to the new database, you need to ensure a Server Port will be open in the new database so that clients will be able to log in. You can do this using one of two methods:
  1. Before starting the Hansa application, ensure the "DBDef.txt" contains an instruction to set the Server Port to the required value. The "DBDef.txt" file supplied with Hansa will set the Server Port to 1200. If you are using this method, you may need to start Hansa, quit and restart to activate the port, thus enabling users to log on.

  2. By typing the following command in to the Terminal:
    ./hansa --port 1200 &
    This starts the Hansa server application and sets the Server Port to 1200, for a single work session only. If you want to set it to 1200 permanently, do so from a client using the Program Mode register (or use method 1 above).
Since the server does not have a graphical interface, you will need to configure the new database from a client. Refer to the Logging on from a Client page and follow its instructions to log in to the server from a single client. Use the Port number that you specified in the final command above. Working on that client machine, first go to the System module and create a record in the Access Groups setting explicitly granting full access to the Technics module. Then, create a record in the Person register for yourself, assigning it to the Access Group you have just created. Then, quit Hansa and restart. You should now follow the instructions in the 'Setting up the Server Module' section below to configure the new database.

Setting up the Server Module
The database key requires that you make all purchased modules available on the server machine, and that you register the number of users there. Go to the Modules menu and select 'System'. Next, use the 'Settings' function on the File menu to bring up the 'Settings' list window. Select 'System Usage' by double-clicking (or by clicking once and pressing the Enter key). The 'System Usage: Inspect' window appears.

On card 1 of this setting, select the Server module by clicking the check box so that a tick appears. Click the check boxes for the other modules you have purchased. Ensure that the numbers of Users, Level 1 Users, Level 2 Users, Mailboxes, Conferences and Companies are all correct. Click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save and close. Please click the links for descriptions of Mailboxes and Conferences.

You should now enter your company's name, address and other details using the Company Info setting. This task is fully described in the section entitled 'Changing the Company Name' on the Settings page. If you need to create additional Companies, this should be done now, following the instructions on the Changing and Adding Companies page. The Company Info and System Usage settings should be checked for each Company before the next stage: the application for an Enabler Key. It is only necessary to enter the database key to the server: the key will be copied to the client machines automatically.

Once you have finished this process, it doesn't matter which Company you end up in: all will be available to any client machines logging in.


Set up your Companies and define the System Usage and Company Info settings for each before applying for an Enabler Key.

If the server does not have a graphical interface, you will have carried out the work described in this section from a client machine. If you need to create additional Companies, you should change to "Admin Client" mode. To do this, choose 'Company' from the File menu, 'Open Company Register' from the Operations menu and then 'Admin Client', again from the Operations menu. If you are not in "Admin Client" mode, the new Companies will be saved on your machine and not on the server. As described on the Changing and Adding Companies page, the server will shut down after any changes or additions have been made in the Company register. So you will need to close the client, restart the server and then restart the client after adding Companies on the server. More details about "Admin Client" mode can be found here.