
Row Menu - Receipt - Distribute Cheques

If you have the Cheques module, you can use the 'Distribute Cheques' function to connect an existing Cheque record (in the Open Cheque register in the Cheques module) to a row or rows in the Receipt.

To use the 'Distribute Cheques' function, first create a new Receipt and specify the Invoice(s) against which you have received payment. Make sure that you specify a Payment Mode in which the Type is "Received Cheques", either in the Receipt header or in a particular Receipt row. Place the insertion point in the first row that you wish to connect to an Open Cheque record. The Cheque Number field in flip C of this row must be empty. Then, open the Row menu by right-clicking (Windows) or ctrl-clicking (Mac OS X) the row number and select this function.

The Serial Number of the first suitable Open Cheque record will be copied to the Cheque Number field on flip C of the Receipt row, and to any subsequent rows with the same Customer. If more than one Open Cheque is needed to cover the value of the Invoices and there is more than one available, separate Open Cheques will be distributed to the Receipt rows as required. A suitable Open Cheque is one with the same Customer (an Open Cheque is a Cheque whose Status is "Registered").

If the value of the Open Cheque is greater than the value of the Invoices being paid, an extra line containing the remaining amount and the Cheque Serial Number will be added to the Receipt. You can use this line to receive payment against another Invoice or to register an On Account Receipt or Prepayment.

If the value of the Open Cheque is insufficient to cover the Invoice being paid, the Received Value will be changed to the value of the Open Cheque, and an extra line containing the remaining amount but without the Cheque Serial Number will be added to the Receipt. You can change the Payment Mode in this line if it was paid using a different method or remove it to register a partial payment.

To make best use of this function, it is recommended that you use consecutive rows in a Receipt to record payments received from the same Customer. The allocation of Cheque Serial Numbers will stop at the first row with a different Customer.

If Cheque Serial Numbers are not copied to the rows in a Receipt when you select the function, the probable reasons are:

  1. All Receipt rows already have Cheque Numbers.

  2. The Type of the Payment Mode is not "Received Cheques".

  3. The Receipt has been marked as OK and saved.

  4. There are no Open Cheques with the same Customer.
If you do not want to connect a Receipt to an existing Open Cheque but instead want to create a new Cheque, use the 'Cheque' function on the Create menu.


The Receipt register in Standard ERP:

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