
Operations Menu - Invoice - Send to Fiscal Device

A fiscal printer is a device that prints receipts from point-of-sale and cash transactions, as well as recording those transactions in an internal memory. This information can later be read by tax authorities to ensure that a shop's sales have been registered and reported correctly. In countries where fiscal printers are used, they should be attached to every cash machine and till in a point-of-sale environment.

When you enter an Invoice that should be printed on a Fiscal Printer, you should tick the Fiscal Invoice box on the 'Del. Terms' card. This will usually be the case if the Type of the Payment Term is "Cash". This box will be ticked by default in an Invoice if you have ticked the Fiscal Invoices Only box on the 'Terms' card of the Contact record for the Customer.

When you mark as OK and save an Invoice in which you have ticked the Fiscal Invoice box, it will be sent to, printed by and recorded in the fiscal printer. If for some reason this process fails, you can repeat it by selecting this 'Send to Fiscal Device' function from the Operations menu.

In Sweden, it is a legal requirement that all cash or credit card payments in shops should be made through a certified POS solution that contains a fiscal control unit (CleanCash). Each time you approve and save a Cash Note, it will be sent to and recorded in the CleanCash device. The device will send back a control code that will be stored in the Official No. field. The Cash Note will then be printed automatically. The law allows you to print a single copy of a Cash Note. To print this copy, open the Cash Note and choose 'Send to Fiscal Device' from the Operations menu. The Cash Note will again be sent to the CleanCash device (this time with type "kopia"). The device will send back a second control code, which will be saved in the Official No. 2 field. The copy of the Cash Note will then be printed, with the second control code being printed in the "Official Serial Number" field. No further printing of the Cash Note will be possible.

You can use Access Groups to prevent certain users from reprinting Fiscal Invoices. To do this, deny them access to the 'Print to Fiscal Printer' Action.

Please refer to your HansaWorld representative for details about which fiscal printers are supported and about configuring Standard ERP so that it will communicate with fiscal printers.


The Invoice register in Standard ERP:

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