
Operations Menu - Invoices - Print Proforma Invoices

Use the 'Print Proforma Invoices' function to print a Proforma version of the Invoice currently open in a record window or of the Invoices highlighted in the 'Invoices: Browse' window. This might be necessary on occasions when you need to obtain payment in advance. A Proforma Invoice differs from a normal Invoice in that it is not a legal Invoice. For this reason, you should design a separate Form Template that clearly displays the Proforma status for use when printing Proformas.

When, as will often be the case, you print a Proforma from an Invoice that you have not yet marked as OK, it will be printed without the "Test Printout" watermark, irrespective of whether you are using the No Test Printout option in the Optional Features setting in the System module.

To specify the Form Template that will be used when you print Proforma Invoices, follow these steps:

  1. Design the Proforma Form Template using the Form Template register in the System module. Use the 'Properties' function on the Operations menu to name the Form (in this description, we have used the name "PROFORMA_INVOICE"). A full list of the fields you can include in the Template design can be found here.

    A file containing samples of each Form Template including a sample "PROFORMA_INVOICE" is supplied with Standard ERP: if you want to use these samples as templates for your own designs, import the "UKForms.txt" file as described on the Importing Set-up Data page.

  2. Select the Sales Ledger module using the [Switch Module] button in the Navigation Centre.

  3. Click the [Forms] button, also in the Navigation Centre, or use the Ctrl-D/⌘-D keyboard shortcut. The 'Forms' list window is opened: highlight 'Proforma Invoices'.

  4. Select 'Define Form' from the Operations menu.

  5. In the subsequent 'Form Definition' window, enter "PROFORMA_INVOICE" in the Form Template field in the first row (you can use 'Paste Special' to ensure the spelling is correct).

  6. Click [Save] to save the Proforma Invoice form definition. From now on, the Proforma Form Template that you have designed will be used when you print Proformas using the 'Forms' function and using the Operations menu function.

The Invoice register in Standard ERP:

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