
Internal Invoices

You can use this function when you need to print records from the Internal Invoice register in batches.

You can also print this form by clicking on the Printer icon when viewing an Internal Invoice record, or print it to screen by clicking the Preview icon.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter an Internal Invoice Number to print a single Internal Invoice, or a range of Internal Invoice Numbers, separating the first and last number with a colon (:). You must specify an Internal Invoice Number or range of Numbers: if you leave this field empty, no forms will be printed.
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Internal Invoice form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Field in FormPrints (from Internal Invoice)
Header Fields (these print once per Internal Invoice)
Amount in TextPrints the TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Internal Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user’s Person record or in the Company Info setting
Department Department from the Person record of the user who created the Internal Invoice
Invoice No. No.
Invoice Number 2Purchase Inv. No.
Payment Number for RussiaPrints the No. of the Internal Invoice with the first three characters removed
Round Off Prints the amount lost or gained by the process of rounding the TOTAL according to the Total rounding rules set for the Currency/Payment Term combination in the Currency Round Off setting or in the Round Off setting (i.e. when the TOTAL is rounded to fewer decimal places than the Default). A loss will be printed as a negative figure
Salesman AUser
Salesman NameName
SupplierSupplier from the Purchase Invoice from which the Internal Invoice was created
Supplier AddressName and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Supplier in the Purchase Invoice from which the Internal Invoice was created. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Supplier NameName from the Purchase Invoice from which the Internal Invoice was created
Supplier VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No. from the Contact record for the Supplier in the Purchase Invoice from which the Internal Invoice was created
The number of decimal places will be as shown on screen in the Internal Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1"
To Pay in TextPrints TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Internal Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user’s Person record or in the Company Info setting
Total Row TotalSum of (Sum + VAT) in each row
Total SumTOTAL
Total VAT BaseSum of Sum in each row
Total VAT ValueSum of VAT in each row
Transaction Date (transdate)Trans. Date
The number of decimal places will be as shown on screen in the Internal Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1"
VAT in TextPrints the VAT as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Internal Invoice or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user’s Person record or in the Company Info setting
Row Fields (these print once per row, so remember to specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix")
Description 1Description
Item CodeItem
Item Code 2Item
Row NumberRow number
Row Number in textRow number in text, taken from the Values in Text record for the Language of the Invoice or the Language in the Company Info setting
Row SumSum
Row Sum including VATSum + row VAT
Unit CodeUnit from the Item record
Unit CommentIf the Item has a Unit, the Comment from the Units setting or the Unit Code
Unit PriceUnit Price.
This figure will be rounded to a maximum of three decimal places if, in the Round Off setting, you have set Discount Calculation to Row Sum. If you have set Discount Calculation to Unit Price, rounding will obey the Default for Calculated Values rounding rules in the same setting. However, you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1"
VAT %, rowVAT rate
VAT CodeV-Cd
VAT Value, rowRow VAT
The following fields allow you to add a table to the Form listing the VAT Codes used in the Internal Invoice together with various totals. These fields will each be printed once for each VAT Code used in an Internal Invoice. "Sum, including VAT", "VAT Base", "VAT Total" and "VAT Value" will print negative figures if you specify a minus sign as the Field Argument. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header":
Excl. VAT PercentageVAT percentage
Sum, including VAT Total excluding VAT
VAT %VAT percentage
VAT BaseTotal excluding VAT
VAT Code TotalVAT Code
VAT Comment Description from the VAT Codes setting
VAT Total Total including VAT
VAT ValueVAT value

Please click here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.

Forms in the Sales Ledger:

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