
Individual Reports - Supplier List

The Supplier List report is included in the following Standard products:
  • Standard Accounts (Purchase Ledger module)

The Supplier List in the Purchase Ledger is a simple listing of the Suppliers entered in the Contact register.

If you need to print a list of Customers in the Contact register, use the Customer List report in the Sales Ledger.

The Supplier List report has the Drill-down feature common to many reports in Standard products. Click on any Supplier Number in the report to open the Contact record for an individual Supplier.

Paste Special    Suppliers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to a single Supplier, or range of Suppliers.

Paste Special    Supplier Categories setting, Purchase Ledger
To restrict the report to Suppliers belonging to a single Supplier Category, enter a Category Code here.

These options control the level of detail shown in the report.
This option prints a comprehensive report that includes virtually all the information stored for each Supplier.

Contact Data
This alternative limits the output to Supplier Number and Name, Primary Contact and Telephone Number.
The report can be sorted by Supplier Number or Name.

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