
Individual Reports - Customer Status

The Customer Status report is included in the following Standard products:
  • Standard Contracts

This report shows the current account status of each Customer.

For each Customer, the report will first show the Customer Number, Name and telephone number. This information will be followed by a list of the five most recently paid Invoices and all open (unpaid) Invoices. In the case of open Invoices, the outstanding amounts and Payment Terms will be shown, and, if they are overdue for payment, the number of days by which they are overdue (calculated using their Due Dates).

The Customer Status report has the Drill-down feature common to many reports in Standard products. Click on the Invoice Number of any Invoice in the report to open that Invoice record, or on a Customer Number to open the Contact record for an individual Customer.

You can also produce this report by opening the Contact record for a particular Customer and choosing 'Customer Status' from the Operations menu.

Leave all the fields blank if the report is to cover all the Customers in the Contact register. If you need to restrict the coverage of the report, use the fields as described below.
Paste Special    Customers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to a single Customer, or range of Customers.

Paste Special    Customer Categories setting
To restrict the report to Customers assigned to a single Category, enter a Category Code here.

Customers with Balance Only
Switch this option on to exclude Customers with no unpaid Invoices. Customers with unpaid Invoices that are not yet due for payment will not be excluded.

Use these options to specify the Invoices that will be listed in the report.
5 Last Paid
This option will list the five most recently paid Invoices and all open (unpaid) Invoices.

Invoices From
This option will list the five most recently paid Invoices and the open (unpaid) Invoices issued on or after the date that you specify in the field to the right.

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