
Documents in the Receivables module - Cash Notes, Credit Notes

These options behave in the same manner as 'Invoices' already described. They are provided to enable you to assign a separate Form to each Invoice type. To do this, click once on each option in turn in the 'Documents' list and select 'Define Document' from the Operations menu. You should do this for each document that you are likely to use. Otherwise Books by HansaWorld will give the warning "Can't find document" when you try to print an Invoice of a type that has no Form. If you get this warning, check the type of the Invoice before looking to see which document is missing its Form.

Amounts in Credit Notes will usually be printed as positive figures. In some fields, you can specify that amounts will be printed as negative figures by entering a minus sign in the Field Argument. These fields are "Subtotal in Base Currency 1", "Tax in Base Currency 1" and "To Pay in Base Currency 1".


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