
Conference Access Groups

When setting up a mail system in Hansa, you are likely to define a number of Mailboxes and Conferences. Mailboxes are personal: only their owners can view their contents. They can be used both to send and to receive Mail. Conferences are more public: unless there are access restrictions, their contents can be viewed by everybody. They can only receive Mail. Please click for full details of Mailboxes and Conferences.

If you want to establish a system of access restrictions for your Conferences, use the Conference Access Groups setting in the E-mail and Conferences module. Select 'E-mail and Conferences' from the Modules menu and click the [Settings] button in the Master Control panel (or select 'Settings' from the File menu). In the resulting list, double-click 'Conference Access Groups'. This will open the 'Conference Access Groups: Browse' window that shows the Conference Access Groups that already exist:

Double-click an item in the list to modify it or click [New] to create a new record. In the 'Conference Access Group: New' window, you should enter a code and a short descriptive text. The code may contain up to five characters, and you may freely mix letters and numbers. Click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save.

Once you have defined your Conference Access Groups, they can be specified in Mailboxes and Conferences. They will be used as follows. When a Person logs in, they are automatically granted access to their Mailbox. This is the Mailbox with their initials in its User field. This Mailbox will contain a list of Conference Access Groups. Each Conference also has a list of Conference Access Groups. The Person will be able to open any Conference that shares at least one Conference Access Group with their Mailbox (and any Conference whose list of Conference Access Groups is empty). If a Person is not granted access to view the contents of a Conference, they will still be able to send Mail to it.

You can print a list of the members of each Conference Access Group by producing a Person Access Group report from the Technics module.

Do not confuse this setting in the E-mail and Conferences module with the Access Groups setting in the System module. The latter is used to define access privileges to the various modules and functions in Hansa and is described here.