
Group Invoicing

This function allows you to create Invoices in batches. It finds all approved but uninvoiced Deliveries and creates appropriate Invoices, which are saved in an unapproved state. Each Invoice will contain a reference to the Order to which it pertains. If several Deliveries to the same Customer, perhaps from different Orders, require invoicing, they will be grouped together on a single Invoice, providing those Orders have the same Payment Terms. Otherwise, a separate Invoice will be created for each Payment Term used. If you would like a separate Invoice to be created for each Order, use the 'Invoice Delivered Orders' function. You can approve all Invoices thus created in a single step, by highlighting them in the 'Invoices: Browse' window and selecting 'OK' from the Operations menu. Remember that if you wish to change any of the Invoices, you must do so before they are approved. You can also print the Invoices in a single batch, using the 'Documents' function on the File menu or the [Documents] button in the Master Control Panel having first selected 'Sales Ledger' from the Modules menu. Please click for more details about approving and printing Invoices.

Selecting the 'Group Invoicing' function brings up the following dialogue box:

This enables you to limit the Invoice creation to a single Customer or Customer Category or a range of Customers (specify two Customer Numbers, separated by a colon). You can use 'Paste Special' if necessary. To raise Invoices for Orders whose Invoice To field on the 'Del Terms' card contains a Customer Number (e.g. this might be the case where Invoices are to be sent to leasing companies), enter the Customer Number of the leasing company, not the main Customer Number from the Order header. Leave the fields blank if you do not need to restrict the Invoice creation to particular Customers. The function options allow you to control the appearance of the Invoice and are self-explanatory.

Click [Run] to run the function. It may take a few moments, depending on the number of Invoices to be created. When it has finished, you will be returned to the 'Maintenance' list window.

An example of an Invoice created with this function is shown below.

If a Customer has been assigned a Default Item record ('Pricing' card of the Customer record), all Items in that record will be added to any Invoices created for that Customer. This can be done once per Invoice or once per Order, a choice made using the option in the specification window. Note that these Items will not have a Quantity, so be sure to enter one before printing and approving the Invoices.