
Operations Menu - Authorise

Once you have entered an Expense record, you can authorise it before approving it. If you are using the Signer Required box in the Expense Settings setting, you must authorise Expense records before you can approve them. To do this, select 'Authorise' from the Operations menu. Your initials will be entered to the Signer field in the header. Then, check the OK box and save by clicking the [Save] button in the Button Bar.

You can use the Access Groups setting in the System module to restrict the use of the 'Authorise' function to certain members of staff. To do this, first move to the System module using the Modules menu and then open a record in the Access Groups setting. If the Access Group starts from the No Access position, you should use the grid to allow members of that Access Group to use particular features:

In this illustration, members of the "ADMIN" Access Group are allowed full access to the Expenses module so that they can enter their own Expenses. But, they have explicitly been prevented access to the 'Authorise' Operations menu function.

If the Access Group starts from the Full Access position, you should use the grid to prevent members of that Access Group from using particular features:

In both cases, if the 'Authorise Expenses' Operations Menu function is not listed in the grid, access to it will depend on the chosen Start From option. If this is No Access, members of the Access Group will not be able to authorise Expense records. If it is Full Access, they will be able to make such changes.