
Project Purchases

This report lists the records in the Project Transaction register where the originating record is an Expense record or a Purchase Invoice.

When printed to screen, this report has Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on any Purchase Invoice Number in the report to open the Invoice and on any Expense Number to open the Expense record. Clicking anywhere else will open the appropriate Project Transaction.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report period. Project Transactions whose date falls within this period will be included in the report.

Paste Special    Suppliers in Customer register
Enter a Supplier Number to restrict the report to Items purchased from a particular Supplier.

Paste Special    Project register, Job Costing module
Enter a Project Number to list Items purchased to satisfy a single Project.

Paste Special    Item register
Enter an Item Number to see the Projects for which a particular Item has been purchased.

Uninvoiced and/or invoiced Project Transactions can be shown in the report. Select the options as required. At least one of these options must be selected, or a blank report will be produced.

Project Transactions resulting from Purchase Invoices and/or from Expense records can be shown in the report. Select the options as required. At least one of these options must be selected, or a blank report will be produced.